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advice for buying a new car

Are you in the market for a new car? Are you having troubles deciding what kind of car to buy or what dealer to buy it from? Having worked in the auto sales industry for many years, I have a ton of information on my blog that can assist you in making all of these important and stressful decisions. Visit my blog to learn how to determine what car is the perfect car for you, how to decide what dealership to purchase it through, and even a few tips on getting the best possible financing rates and options for the car that you choose.

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advice for buying a new car

4 Factors To Consider When Purchasing A New Car As A Senior Citizen

by Earl Burton

As you age, what you need from your car can change as well. As a senior citizen, you value different features than you did in the past, and there are different things you need to feel comfortable in the vehicle.

Factor #1: Mobility 

One of the first things you need to consider is how easily you can get in and out of the vehicle. For example, pulling yourself up into a tall SUV may not be as easy as you age. You may prefer a car that you can easily get in and out of.

Or you may not like how you have to sit down in a car, and prefer the height of a crossover SUV that you can more easily get in and out of. Figure out what type of vehicle is easiest for you to get out of, and purchase that type of vehicle.

Factor #2: Adjustability

As you age, you may have physical limitations, such as a lack of range of motion or joint pain that could compromise your ability to move around and drive as you want. Having physical limitations doesn't mean you can't drive anymore; it just means that you need to drive a car that is adjustable.

Look for a car with an electronic seat that allows you to easily move the car forwards and backward, up and down, and even adjust the lumbar support. You want to be able to change the steering wheel and pedals as well. A keyless ignition will make it easier to start your vehicle.

Look for a car that you can adjust to fit your changing physical needs.

Factor #3: Technology

When it comes to technology, you want the technology in your car to be accessible, but that doesn't mean you have to go with all the bells and whistles.

Look for a car that has technology features that you like to use and understand. Go for a car with technology that you feel comfortable using, and don't get pressured into a higher-tech vehicle than you need.

Facture #4: Safety

Finally, look for a car that is equipped with modern safety features that will keep you safe.

For example, a forward-collision warning system will let you know if someone unexpectedly slows down in front of you, and an automatic braking system will apply the brakes to help you avoid an accident. A lane assist feature will alert you if you drift out of your lane. You can even get parking assistance with the right features.

When it comes to purchasing a vehicle as a senior citizen, make sure you can easily get in and out of the vehicle. Look for a vehicle that you can easily adjust for your comfort, and that has technology features you understand and find helpful. Finally, look for a car with advanced safety features that will keep you safe on the road.

For more information about buying a car that will fit your needs, reach out to a local dealership, like a Nissan dealership, and let them know what features you are looking for.
