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advice for buying a new car

Are you in the market for a new car? Are you having troubles deciding what kind of car to buy or what dealer to buy it from? Having worked in the auto sales industry for many years, I have a ton of information on my blog that can assist you in making all of these important and stressful decisions. Visit my blog to learn how to determine what car is the perfect car for you, how to decide what dealership to purchase it through, and even a few tips on getting the best possible financing rates and options for the car that you choose.

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advice for buying a new car

5 Great Features To Look For In Your Next Car

by Earl Burton

When it comes to purchasing a new car, you want to buy one that provides you with access to all the features you need to drive around in your vehicle comfortably. Car features have made vast improvements over the years, so if your car is more than a decade old, you will want to spend some time learning about some of the newest car features.

360 Degree Camera Systems

Rearview cameras increased the overall safety of cars so much; they are now a standard feature found in almost all passenger vehicles. The next evolution of the camera system is the 360-degree camera system. These cameras are placed around your vehicle, in places such as inside the grill and below the side mirrors, to give you a bird's eye view of your vehicle. They can help you identify objects that are close to your vehicle, making parking and switching lanes safer.

Evasive Steering Assist Technology

Sometimes, you find yourself in a situation where you not only need to brake; you need to take evasive action to avoid hitting something that suddenly appeared or changed directions. Even with quick reflexes, sometimes your actions are still not quick enough. With evasive steering assist technology, when you take evasive action, your vehicle will provide you with extra support to ensure that you can avoid whatever appeared in front of you or changed directions.

Pre-Safe Nudging

With pre-safe nudging, your vehicle's seats will move your body away from the direction where an imminent side collision has been detected. This helps to move you away from the door and more towards the vehicle's center before an accident.

A pre-safe nudging system is a luxury new car feature. Still, it proves to increase safety and reduce injury in accidents. In that case, it could be the next rearview camera innovation that rolls out first in luxury vehicles before coming to the market as a whole.

Smart Suspension 

When you drive, your vehicle's suspension is what ensures that the road feels as smooth as possible, regardless of how many bumps are actually in the road. With smart suspension, instead of all the wheels on one axle adjusting to the road, each individual wheel will adjust to the structure of the road, ensuring each wheel is always in the optimum position.

Heads-Up Display

Heads-up display projects information you need to see onto your windshield. It allows you to see things such as speed and fuel level when driving. You can even put your driving directions on display, allowing you to keep your eyes on the road and not look down at the GPS or phone in the middle of the car to figure out where to go.

When you go shopping for a new vehicle, such as a new Chevrolet car, spend some time becoming familiar with some of the newer car features, and then find a vehicle with new features that you really think you would enjoy and appreciate, like a heads-up display or 360-degree cameras.
